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Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice

Using CINAHL to Find an Evidence-Based Practice Article

One of the tasks your professor may assign you is to find an evidence-based practice, research article in a nursing journal that was published in the United States.  Here are a few short steps to help you be successful in your search.

Evidence-based Practice Books


By checking EBM [evidence-based medicine] you can search for evidence-based practice articles. 

Using PubMed in EBP

Evidence-Based Practice Websites

This figure illustrates the traditional nursing process mapped onto the five steps of EBP. 

Stannard, D. (2019). A Practical Definition of Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 34(5), 1080-1084. doi:10.1016/j.jopan.2019.07.002

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