Until now, we have been searching by topic or keywords. When a database searches for keywords, it searches the entire full text of its contents.
The solution to this problem is to use the Advanced Search features available in all databases to search specific fields, instead of searching the entire text. This is called field searching.
To utilize additional search features, select Advanced Search, located to the right of the search box
This brings up a detailed interface where you choose specific fields to search and limit by material types and dates. You can create boolean searches and string together multiple search terms.
You can also add more search boxes, should you need them, by clicking the "+ Add a New Line" option.
Descriptions of what each field searches follow:
Between the search boxes there are Boolean operator menus. These menus default to the AND operator, but you could use the menus to choose the OR or NOT operators. You could also use any of the six Boolean operators, including parentheses, quotation marks and truncation*, in the search boxes, as you would in a basic search.
You can further specify the search string by updating the search type to :